This is a brand new feature currently in beta version! If you run into any issues or have feedback, please don't hesitate to contact.

In order to show FAQs on shop app, you need to have Shop app channel enabled through admin. You can read through this article to learn more on how to enable.

Once you have shop app channel enabled and you are on Professional plan of our app, follow these steps:

1. If you haven't assigned which FAQs should be shown on which products, go ahead and assign FAQs to products.

2. Navigate to "Shop app setup" and then click on activate for option 1 under product FAQs.

3. Open Shop app and then open product you've configured at Step #1. You should see a new line item below product description which says "FAQs" and upon clicking on it, you would see FAQs you've assigned to this product.

4. If you add/remove/update more product FAQs, please make sure to re-sync those from Shop app setup page in order to take effect on Shop app.

If you run into any issues, feel free to contact our support and we are more than happy to assist.