There are couple reasons your FAQs are not showing up on dedicated FAQ page

Reason #1

When you create FAQs, you have option to hide it from a page. So if you don't see your FAQs, it's highly possible that you set them to not show on a page.

Please go to your FAQ edit page in app and confirm following setting is set correctly.

Reason #2

All your current FAQs has "Uncategorized" category set and you have "Hide FAQs from uncategorized category" option set in Design and settings.

You have two options in this case. Most merchants prefer option #1 mentioned below as it allows them to create new categories and categorize FAQs which is easy for customers to find.

1. Assign some different category to your FAQs by going to each FAQ.

2. Uncheck "Hide FAQs from uncategorized category" from app settings.