This only applies if you are using Template 3 for FAQs

If your theme is using sticky header of headers with larger heights, you might see an issue where upon clicking category title, scroll would go little further and wouldn't stop at right place.

This happens because of custom developed themes which has custom headers with more contents.

If you wish to fix this, you can apply custom CSS through our app to your FAQ page.

Custom CSS to add: Please copy paste following CSS.

.faq-plus-accordian-section:before {
    display: block;
    content: " ";
    margin-top: -150px;
    height: 150px;
    visibility: hidden;
You would need to adjust height and margin-top value based on your theme header size.

If this doesn't fix your issue, please reach out to our support and we are more than happy to take a further look into your store.

If you are having this issue on template 2, use following CSS snippet.
.faqPlusAppFaq {
    scroll-margin-top: 7em;